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Have you experienced racism at school?
Tell us what happened.
Too often, schools treat acts of racism like schoolyard bullying instead of hate crimes. We are Illinois teachers working to pass the Racism-Free Schools Act, which would clearly define racial harassment, help teachers recognize it, and protect victims who report it.
To make sure Illinois’ lawmakers take action to address racism, they need to understand the urgency of this problem. That's why we’re building a campaign to share students and teachers’ lived experiences of racism in schools.
If you’ve experienced racism in school, let us know by sharing your story.
Share as much or as little you’re comfortable with.
Thank you in advance. Your story matters and will make a difference.

#RacismFreeSchools - Every Day

#RacismFreeSchools - Run Like

#RacismFreeSchools - I Was Born Here

#RacismFreeSchools - Every Day
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